Here are some basic steps you can take to improve the security of your iPad.
Configure mobile devices securely.
Some simple configurations can aid in the security of your iPad. Enable password authentication, ensure SSL protection is enabled, utilize remote wipe capabilities, and avoid using auto-complete features that remember user names and passwords.
Connect to secure Wi-Fi networks.
Avoid joining unknown Wi-Fi networks.
Update mobile devices frequently.
Be sure to maintain up-to-date software including operating systems and applications.
Utilize anti-virus programs and configure automatic updates if possible.
Just as your PC should have a proper anti-virus solution, your mobile devices should be equipped with anti-virus protection where possible.
Use an encryption solution to keep portable data secure in transit.
If confidential data must be accessed or stored, make sure users have installed an encryption solution.
Properly wipe devices and dispose of properly.
Get your device properly wiped – don’t just pitch it!
Develop guidelines for acceptable iPad and mobile device usage.
Additionally, there are solutions that allow you to secure and manage multiple devices that include functionality like device tracking, profile management, and preventing unauthorized app downloads. One such solution is SMARTmobile Security from SMART I.T. Services. Contact us to learn more about how to secure your mobile devices and make managing them a breeze with SMARTmobile Security.