Thursday, October 22, 2009

Great Lakes Automation Day (GLAD) 2009

The Michigan Association of Insurance Agents will be holding its annual Great Lakes Automation Day (GLAD) event on November 6, 2009 at the Kellogg Center in East Lansing, Michigan. The theme for this year's event is "Agencies in the Age of Social Media."

Do you think social media is just a fad? Come find out what the experts think about its potential benefits and the best practices to utilizing it at your insurance agency.

Speakers for GLAD 2009 include Bryant Caudill of SMART I.T. Services, Steve Anderson, and Angelyn Treautel of the IIABA's Agents Council for Technology.

Don't miss out on this great event! Visit more information and to register.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Webinar: Best Practices for IT Budgeting

Proper IT budgeting can help your business reduce unexpected costs, minimize equipment downtime, strategically plan the usage of your IT resources, and determine the return on investment of your IT expenditures. Research also suggests that companies with successful IT budget management are able to prevent budget overruns and get the most out of their infrastructure.

Join SMART I.T. Services for a webinar on October 28, “Best Practices for IT Budgeting,” and learn how to maximize the effectiveness of your IT budget.

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am EDT